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5 Bridge Impairments Recorded from the not Long Ago Past

We often get news of infrastructural failures after the structural supports failed. The failing in structural integrity ranges from huge structures to small or about simple structures. Depending on the size of the structure or the causative agent, destruction caused can be catastrophic. A bridge is an instance of such structures. Bridges can fail when hit by an earthquake of intensity higher than what was designed for. Hefty ice accumulation in Iceland can impair the structural components of a bridge, thus the probable ice load need to be factored in while designing a bridge structures in those areas. It will demand the utility of those strong materials to put up capable bridges in those regions receiving strong destructive winds. There are extremities that should not be surpassed when loads to be supported is being considered. Bridge expansion and/or unexpected loads during repairs may result in unbalanced load which can be detrimental. This calls for an individual with an adept knowledge to design and supervise any bridge construction. The magnitude of the load a bridge can carry is less considered by most bridge users. They trust that the bridge was engineered to support them without going for the details. Bridges falling down are not so common incidences with the increased considerations during designs, still few cases have been witnessed. The following are examples of bridges that were ravaged by different elements.

In 2017, The Central Italy Bridge went down. It was designed to support a short-lived traffic after an overpass was temporarily shut down. The collapse affected the road while causing death of two people. The failing of supports to the bridge was attributed to their weakening as a result of the construction which was ongoing. There are more occurrences of bridge failures which can be attributed to load imbalance during construction. The Russian Bridge across Savala River in 2018 which killed a civilian. The load of some two trucks trying to cross over could not be sustained and the bridge was destroyed.

The blight of The North Bengal Bridge, Siliguri, in 2018. The ignorance to supported axle load was what led to the fall. The truck driver which was got up with the incident failed to pay attention to load requirements according to the design. The bridge thereof collapsed when a heavy-duty truck tried to cross over. The driver was hurt, and that was few days after another collapse.

There was another bridge collapse in Genoa Italy, 2018. Those who witnessed the collapse reported that there was a loud cloudburst which they think was a lightning which struck the bridge. The crash on the streets led to the loss of 37 lives.