Selling Tips for the extra Diabetic Testing trips in your Storage
If you are a diabetic you need to constantly monitor your blood sugar to live life that is stress free. A blood sugar testing kit will be very helpful when it comes to keeping your sugar levels under control as that is the way to know whether you need to adjust things in your lifestyle such as the diet. Diabetic s will buy different brands of testing kit when they are trying to settle for favorite and the rest are either discarded or left to amass dust.
Being that the shelf life of these kits is very short you will have to discard them eventually. The hard truth is that diabetic strips do not come cheap. There is a significant number of people that are in need of diabetic testing strips but due to different reasons such as financial constraints and not having insurance they can’t have them. Today there are organizations that have come up to provide the people suffering from diabetics with what they need. If you happen to have extra unopened diabetic strips that are still good for use and want to help now you can.
Many diabetic people are smart and will keep extra strips for an emergency but that which is saved can be a lot to the point that it will go to waste. You don’t have to throw good strips for testing diabetes away no more, you can be helping a person desperately in need and make some money on the side as well. If you had a diabetic person that leaves behind a lot of testing kits through either moving to an assisted care living or passing on you could be looking at a lot of boxes of the kits in storage. There are many scenarios that could see you have strips in good condition. If you are the owner of the extra diabetic kits you will not be breaking any law if you sold them to other people.
If the boxes are marked not for sale you can still sell them provided it’s not through a retailer. There are some things to ensure that you have in mind every time you are dealing with, they may come off as being obvious but they are things to stick by. The boxes that you are selling need to have the seal intact, seals that have been tampered with means you can’t trust the product you are getting. Some brands will also not sell that much compared to others . Expiration will matter a lot when selling diabetic testing strips, check to see that that have some sufficient time before they expire, the reasonable time will be around six months from the time that you are purchasing them.